Palestine, Settler Colonialism, and Abolition (Panel online)

A genocide is taking place in Palestine. It’s the culmination of more than 75 years of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population. The Israeli killing machine has caused a vertiginous level of violence and destruction in Gaza. It also generated an unprecedented wave of global solidarity with Palestine. It’s certainly the most consequential anti-war movement since 2003 when people around the world opposed the US war in Iraq. Everywhere, people are demanding an immediate ceasefire and justice for Palestine.

This panel proposes an abolitonist lens to examine the history of settler colonialism, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, as well as the creative struggles of Palestinians. It explores the connections between US and European imperialisms and the Israeli colonial project. The panelists will analyze the role of the Israeli prison and security industrial complexes in maintaining and reinforcing the colonial geography of Palestine. Finally the panelists will discuss the abolitionist present and the possibility for a decolonial future in Palestine.


Linda Quiquivix is a geographer and works on and with Palestine/ians and Latin American Indigenous communities. She is working on a book project about decolonial Palestine and maps.

Amr Saedeldin is a political scientist from Palestine who does popular education with Syrian and Palestinian communities in Lebanon. He recently published a book about DBS.

Sai Englert has a degree in development studies and works primarily on the zionist labor movement. He recently published a book about Settler Colonialism.

Date: December 1st at 3pm Boston time, 8pm London time, 10pm Palestine time.

Sponsors: JVP – Pittsburgh, SJP Emerson, Global Prison Abolition Coalition, The Global Campaign for Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution, DSA Boston, Muslim CounterPublics Lab

Watch the recorded panel online: